
Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey everyone,

Lynnea here! Today I wanted to touch on one point of LLLTD.

Live: The webster dictionary defines live is alive(p): possessing life; "the happiest person alive"
or lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style

I think both of those are good ways to exress living. when you are living you are alive or posessing life. And to live that means you lead a certain kind of life.

However Live in LLLTD goes a whole lot deeper than that.

Let me ask you this: How many of you have lived difficult lives? Something has happened in your life that has effected you in a negative way? Well to LLLTD Live means to live through those times. Dont let those times beat you. Everyone has good and bad days. Maybe look at the bad days, suppose you got in a fight with your best friend...but then you found a penny! Put that penny in your piggy bank and smile because you are 1 cent richer than you were and now your day has been turned around. Pick out good things that happen in the bad day. So you tripped and fell, scraped your knee, but a kind stranger came to help you, and a week later you two are best friends!!! See what I'm saying?

Live means to live through the tough times knowing they will get better. Live means to not let the bad stuff get you down. Live means to look at your life and count your blessings and smile at the fun times. So LIVE


I'm not perfect, and my life certainly isnt either. And So you dont think I'm preaching at you let me tell you that I speak from experience. Just last week my mom and I got into a huge fight. It was bad...but something happened that day. A friend of mine from middle school that was a jerk to me messaged me and apologized for it. And in the message he put "Because of your innate kindness you still talked to me. Ma'am you are a saint" Though I firmly believe he was far to kind those words helped my day to be amazing.

Another time is when my dad died a few years ago I was so upset but just hearing from my friends, them telling me they loved me...that helped me have a better time of it. So live...and if you dont have anyone to tell you how wonderful and amazing and awesome you are...well you have 5 of us now!!! We love you and we know that you are wonderful and so now you need to know that too...and LIVE :)
-Lynnea of LLLTD

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Beginning

Hey everyone! It's Lynnea here. One of the L's of LLLTD! Well we are finally getting started. I figure this blog would good place for us to share with you all things that are going on, for you to comment and we'll help you out. But interaction is part of what LLLTD is about. We need to help each other be strong. Live, Laugh, Love, Tackle your problems and be Determined. That is what we're about and we can't wait to interact with you all more!! :)

I hope you enjoy and get something out of our blog, website, twitter and facebook group! We just want to be there for you when you need us! We really do love you all and just want to help! :)