
Monday, August 30, 2010


Hey everyone, I'm sorry that none of us have really updated the blog. Jackie is back in High School, while Labanya just started College, both Leah and I have been having health issues, and Dara and Tina are kinda MIA. We're really sorry and we know these arent excuses we'll be trying harder. But we need your help! Help us by interacting with us, by telling other people about what LLLTD is all about.

We cannot do this alone! We need your help and we need you to show interest. Give us ideas on what you would like to see from LLLTD as well! We really want to interact with you all!

I was watching a movie tonight, called Letters To God. I know many of you aren't into religion. Thats not the point of this blog or the point of me bringing up this movie. This movie is about a young boy that is dying of cancer. He writes letters to God, and through his faith and wisdom speaks volumes to the community he lives in. It's based on a true story.

I bring up this movie because in a way thats what I see in each girl involved in LLLTD. We want to show the world that though it's okay to struggle you CAN get through. We want to be there for people who feel like they have no one. We dont judge, we love and we care. Everyone of you that goes through an issue inspires us and we want to help you because each of us has had our hard times and we want to go through things together! We are a family of struggling people, each person in this world has 1 struggle or another and we should join together and lift each other up.

Each girl that I'm in LLLTD with inspires me, it's an inspirational thing! Join with us dear inspirations, lets inspire the world together!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jane Austen letter of encouragement

Here is a letter that I (Lynnea) put together, written as though it is from Jane Austen herself. A bit of advice and encouragement for those of us in the year 2010. I hope you enjoy it. Please do not steal it, if you share it with anyone share it from this blog saying that Lynnea of LLLTD wrote it. Thank you and God bless