
Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey Everyone: First for the news...The Leaders of LLLTD are officially: Cody, Lynnea (me), Jackie, and Leah...the rest have stepped down...We miss them but I want you all to know that Cody, Jackie, Leah, and Myself care for you SO much. And We arent quiting you!! We're now looking for others that want to help spread the word and share their stories.

Within the next week we will also be starting our weekly things like No Judgement thursdays and Spin for Smiles saturdays.

Now for the Bloggy portion for this entry.

Did you know that YOU matter?! You do. Something that you've done whether it be smile at a stranger, shake someones hand, share a kind word...any small or big thing you've done to make someones day shine brightly has mattered to someone. Especially if you are so sad that you dont feel like doing any of that but do it anyway...YOU MATTER.

You've probably stopped someone from committing suicide just by that small movement. Maybe you yourself are having suicidal thoughts. Remember "It gets better" and the fact that you yourself have made someones day better (whether you realize or not YOU HAVE done that) well that makes you matter.

The four of us love you and are here for you, because we all matter. We all need to come together and make the world a better place, remind each other that we matter and that it does get better. Spread love, not hate! Join us!

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