
Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Beautiful You Lesson 2

Despite tweeting about my blog last time, sharing it with the followers of LLLTD and my own and even was RT'd the wonderful David Cristini- I'm not sure how many people read it. But a know a few did and that makes me happy. I want to continue this study and I'm determined to finish it since it's taken me over a year to post about it. So... HERE WE GO... Lesson 2: God's description of beauty. (Those that don't believe in God PLEASE keep reading- this is good stuff) The book starts off by talking about how ALL beauty originates from God. Everything created by God is beautiful...the cool thing is starting at the Trees, seas, and bees,He created every single one of us "me's" (see what I did there? lol) Have you ever stopped to think that not everything God created is tangible or external. Beauty is NOT just external. Beauty is internal. He didn't just create the beauty. He created the things that make us work, our brains, blood, and all that stuff that isn't something we think of as attractive (hello- they are our innards! haha) But they do help make us who we are. Our brains help mold our inner beauty through personality. Some of us are amazing artists, some of us amazing musicians or actors! Some of us are nurturing...we've ALL got something in us that makes us unique and who we are as ourselves! There is a scripture that describes this better than any rant I could go on: 1st Peter 3:3-4 (sited in the book) "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." Like the book says, the verse doesn't say looking good is wrong but that the value is more on INNER beauty. What's in your heart, what makes you tick? The next part is a search through God's word. Feel free to look these up- the each describe the aspects of beauty that are important to God. IN FACT- I'd LOVE for you to comment and tell me what you get from the verses! Proverbs 11:16,22 Proverbs 31:30 1st Timothy 4:8 DISCUSSION POINT: How would you compare what is important to God with what is important to our society? I love this quote: "Remember, a perfect body never bought anyone peace during a difficult experience; it never produced wisdom in dealing with a complicated relationship; it never granted anyone a free pass through the gates of heaven" Here are some basic things about true beauty that God created: 1. True beauty comes from spending time with God. All His beauty secrets are written for us in the Bible. If we want to discover them, we need to read it every day. 2. We need to spend time praying- sharing our fears with Him and allowing Him to place His peace in our lives. 3. We need to learn from other Christians who can help us develop godly priorities and grown in our faith. One of the other great points this book makes is "Have you notived that there are no descriptions of any women in the Bible? We are vaguely informed some of them were lovely to look at but never are any of their physical features described for us" HMM... food for thought- their INNER beauty, their hearts are what is shared with us most. The Looking In the Mirror section: Ask yourself: "How much time do I spend each day working on my outward appearance? (list the things you do)" "How much time do I spend each day working on my inward appearance? (list the things you do)" "Who is the most beautiful woman I know according to God's standards? What makes her so attractive?" Memorize 1 Samuel 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." "What are some specific ways that God wants you to view beauty differently than the world does?" "What are some things you can start to do today to make yourself more beautiful in God's eyes?" "Talk to God: Tell Him how you would like Him to help you grow to be more beautiful on the inside" I feel like I need to stress a certain point: I've never met a girl that has thought she's beautiful ALL the time. We're girls. We struggle with the point of beauty. We poke and prod at ourselves and if we still don't like it we let other poke and prod! No matter your size, how you do your make up, or what clothes you wear...WE ALL struggle with this point! You are not alone. I'm talking ALL sizes of girls struggle with this "beauty issue" The smallest of girls either get the idea that they are too fat (yeah I know...) or that they are too skinny and not good enough. And the bigger girls often feel they will just never find anyone to love them because they aren't good enough. It's all about self worth and it's something every girl is bothered by. At that point- love yourself, love who you are. The best part of you is who you are on the inside, the kindness, the love, the sarcasm, the humor, the fiestyness, whatever it is that makes you- YOU! God Loves you for who you are and heck so do I and I don't even know you. A little bit of a plug here: Another person who loves you for who you are is David Cristini who I'm going to tell you a bit about (he doesn't know I'm doing this- HI DAVID) If any of you on twitter follow @DavidCristini on there that boy is AWESOME and a LOT of girls have twitter crushes on him. I think of him as a little brother and I'm SO thankful he's in our lives! His whole point is "Every girl is beautiful and special and OH how true that is! And if you DON'T follow him on twitter you should! He's ALWAYS tweeting positive things that make us girls feel as awesome as we truly are! Another thing he has is bracelets- Check them out and get one (please): I couldn't find a video for the song I wanted to share tonight "He Thinks I Am Beautiful" by Loralie. It's a great song. If you want to hear it let me know. I've got it on my computer. Check this out- Another great song is:

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