
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Beautiful You Lesson 4

Lesson 4: The Worlds Deception. This chapter starts off by reminding us of those carefree days of childhood when it didnt matter if our hair was a mess (on a windy day or otherwise) It didn't matter about the calories in food, and it didn't matter if our clothes were hand-me-downs or walmart. We weren't concerned with labels. Those were the days of carefree giggles, spinning in circles, and being who we really are. Funny how sometimes as we grow up during the times of trying to find ourselves that is sometimes when we lose ourselves. Something often triggers these moments of growing up, the moments when suddenly all these things do matter and instead of a breeze being a blessing it blows your hair everywhere so you suddenly hate it, perhaps you give up the calories or...maybe you don't but you decide to throw them back up :( Or perhaps your parents end up going to second hand stores if thats all you can afford BUT the only thing you by is popular labels...the days of spinning in circles are over because that's just not cool...Sometimes thats triggered by someone saying something, a family member or a friend... I'm about to get somewhat transparent with you. You see when I was younger I never cared about that stuff, I hated makeup, felt like I was wearing a mask, I left my hair wet most of the time, and never styled it, and walmart was my best friend. If people didn't like me for me...who cared? Not me! Then one day my mother came to me begging me to start wearing make up. "It'll make you prettier" My grandmother started noticing I was fat when I was 15 (just after my father died) Suddenly I wasn't good enough for anything. And My mom started making me shop at Old Navy and other stores. Forget walmart, that wasnt cool enough for the look that was in and it was time I start caring! I felt worthless, and I fought my family and even my friends the whole way. The popular girls at school started taking me in the bathroom at school to do my makeup everyday...and suddenly I was a different person. I don't blame any of them. They just wanted me to look good...but it hurt my perspective in the long run and even today I have troubles thinking I'm pretty if I don't do my makeup. My hair is the one thing people never tried to change on me. That was my choice. The ONLY thing that changed was how I parted my hair. That wasn't a big deal. But now when I look at myself I see me again. I wear the amount of makeup I want to wear, I get my clothes where I want to get them and by golly I make myself look good in MY mind. It took a long time to get back to that but if I can anyone can. We're beautiful by being ourselves! Don't forget that, and if you have, it's a daily struggle but join me in getting back to that! Our culture makes us think we need all sorts of products to be beautiful but you know what, back in the 17-1800s they didn't have those products and people were still impressed by each other, by their personalities and minds! This lessons scripture: Exodus 20:22-23 & 1 John 5:21 What does God say about idols & how can beauty become an idol? Jonah 2:8-9 What happens to people who cling to idols? Mark 12:30 How can we avoid getting trapped into worshiping the idol of beauty? What practical things can you do to apply this verse to your life. Quote: "God wants to use the very things that hurt us most to bring the greatest good into our lives. He wants to demonstrate His power in us- if we will let him" According to the lies taught to us by our culture: What are some of your physical weaknesses? What are some of your strengths? According to Romans 12:1-2 what does God want you to do with your physical weaknesses as well as your strengths? Memorize Psalm 27:4 "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." What should be your one desire? What does David mean by the phrase? "that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life?" What does he mean to "gaze upon the beauty of the Lord?" Talk to God: Tell Him some of the lies society what you to believe about yourself. Ask Him to help you stop focusing on your flaws and start concentrating on Him Don't search for what the world calls beautiful but find in you what the CREATOR calls beautiful because to him EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU is beautiful.

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