
Thursday, September 13, 2012

More Beautiful You Lessons 5-8

The next few Lessons go hand in hand so for that reason, and the fact that I know few people are reading this I have decided to group them together. Lesson 5: God's Perfect Plan Lesson 6: Our Longing to be Noticed Lesson 7: Our Longing to be Loved Lesson 8: Our Longing for a Perfect body Lesson 5: Read starting at Acts 3:2 about the man at the gate called Beautiful. What do you view is going on? Can you find your purpose, once we realize our true beauty our purpose is easier to find. Read Galatians 1:10: In what ways do you try to "please men?" How would things be different if you chose to be a servant of Christ? What is one specific thing you can (and will) do this week to serve someone other than yourself? Memorize Luke 6:38 What does God promise you in this verse, does this have anything to do with beauty? Ask God to show you how you can fulfill His purpose for your life this week. Lesson 6: We're human we have a need to be noticed. So often times we become what we think others want us to become. But God wants us to be who we are and no one else. Read 1 Samuel 17:1-50 Why was the israelite army so fearful and list 3 ways david fell short of the standards necessary to defeat Goliath How had god prepared David for this event? What do you think would have happened if David had accepted the equipment that King saul offered him? Read Psalm 20:7 When it came to battle, what did most people trust in? What did God want them to trust in? What does that mean practically speaking? When it comes to beauty. what do people trust in? What does God want us to trust in/ What does that mean- practically speaking? Memorize Zephaniah 3:17 List five things that are mentioned in this verse that God wants to do for you? How does God want you to apply this verse to your life right now? Ask God to show you the false things you've been relying on to receive popularity Lesson 7: Society wants us to think that their version of beauty will lead us to being and feeling loved. Ephesians 5:3 How does this verse apply to the methods many teenage girls use to attract teenage guys? 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 How should a Christian teenager look and act differently than one who does not have a relationship with God? 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 If you applied these verses to your life every time you changed your clothes, how would it affect your clothing choices? What clothes do and don't glorify God in your closet and which ones bring glory to yourself? List your five greatest fears when it comes to life, love and looks? Memorize Psalm 34: 4-5 Talk to God and tell him about your fears. Ask him to fill you with his peace Lesson 8: Outward appearance it's nice to be healthy and look it but beyond 1st Corinthians 3:16-17 What does it mean to defile or destroy the temple of God? What are some ways we do this in our culture? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Why are we not our own? How were we "bought at a price?" What are some way we can honor or bring glory to God with our bodies? "Most destructive behaviors are rooted in arrogance. and arrogance is sin." Consider this: God wants you to bring Him glory. How does it make you feel to realize God wants you to bring Him glory? does it bother or excite you? why? What is one way you think He wants you to bring Him glory right now? Memorize Deuteronomy: 7:7-8 This verse was written to the Israelites but how does it apply to you? Tell God your biggest struggle and ask him to help you. Ask him to use it to bring him Glory and joy and peace to you Until Next time...Stay Beautiful ;)

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