
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Welcome to this installment of the Beautiful The Way You Are challenge. One of the things I've always found so fascinating is the definition of Radiance. To radiate something is to emit light, or energy... to beam. People radiate beauty. As a Christian I have seen a persons smile and looking at it I KNOW they have God in their lives. Three of these people that have these types of smiles are Zach Zegan from the band Dizmas that I used to listen to and my friend Lance, and my twitter friend Ashley Hargest. They all just love God so much, that it shines through them and in their smiles radiate Christ. I've met so many young women that literally radiate beauty. Everything about them from personality to looks is absolutely beautiful. You may think I'm just talking about pretty skinny girls but Of all body types their are women that radiate beauty. They shine, they glow, they beam. Do you know their secret? Do you want to? It's not really that big of secret. They've found comfort and confidence in themselves and often for Christians they found the confidence in God. One of the big steps to Finding your beauty in the way you are is gaining confidence in yourself. Then that beauty will radiate off of you. It may already yet you don't even realize it! There are so many different personality types out there too. I'm snarky, cynical, sarcastic, feisty, and independent. I intimidate most people because I'm just so set in my ways and stubborn. Some young women are shy and couldn't imagine just saying what they think. But I'm no less beautiful than the shy girl and she's no less beautiful than me. We ALL radiate beauty. My twitter friend Ashley Hargest is one of the most absolutely beautiful people I know. She is full of Christs love. And if she is reading this right now chances are she's going to say "It's not me but it's Christ in me" She's right but Christ is in her the way she is because she wants Him to be. She could say that she didn't want to be used by him the way she is but she doesn't. She radiates such a beauty that makes her admired by many...but Ashley they do not just admire you but Christ in you. All glory goes to Him. I've always loved the thought of being radiant. For years I thought that I couldnt be because I'm chubby, because I have a brain disorder, because I come across grumpier than I really am. But I realize that the only thing that keeps me from being radiant is ME. I have decided to not stop myself from being Radiant anymore. I challenge all of you to join me in my quest to live a radiant life. To shine with the beauty that I've always had. You can too, in fact we can do it together. Beauty is natural, glowing is often natural, RADIANCE is natural. I've decided to add this to the blog. I love natural beauty products. Recently I was mixing some things together and accidently mixed this AMAZING face paste. I took grape seed oil, some warming oil that smelled like a beach, and then flower petals of my favorite flower crazy daises. I managed toget some great oils out of the flowers and mixed the petals in with the oils...then put it on my face. I rubbed it in and the next thing I knew my face was soft and I brought out a natural glow I didn't even realize my face had! Try it sometime, or something like it! I'm telling you all of these because realizing our radiance is a big step to finding out that we are beautiful the way we are. So until next time Radiate like the sun <3

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