
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Welcome to this installment of the Beautiful The Way You Are challenge. One of the things I've always found so fascinating is the definition of Radiance. To radiate something is to emit light, or energy... to beam. People radiate beauty. As a Christian I have seen a persons smile and looking at it I KNOW they have God in their lives. Three of these people that have these types of smiles are Zach Zegan from the band Dizmas that I used to listen to and my friend Lance, and my twitter friend Ashley Hargest. They all just love God so much, that it shines through them and in their smiles radiate Christ. I've met so many young women that literally radiate beauty. Everything about them from personality to looks is absolutely beautiful. You may think I'm just talking about pretty skinny girls but Of all body types their are women that radiate beauty. They shine, they glow, they beam. Do you know their secret? Do you want to? It's not really that big of secret. They've found comfort and confidence in themselves and often for Christians they found the confidence in God. One of the big steps to Finding your beauty in the way you are is gaining confidence in yourself. Then that beauty will radiate off of you. It may already yet you don't even realize it! There are so many different personality types out there too. I'm snarky, cynical, sarcastic, feisty, and independent. I intimidate most people because I'm just so set in my ways and stubborn. Some young women are shy and couldn't imagine just saying what they think. But I'm no less beautiful than the shy girl and she's no less beautiful than me. We ALL radiate beauty. My twitter friend Ashley Hargest is one of the most absolutely beautiful people I know. She is full of Christs love. And if she is reading this right now chances are she's going to say "It's not me but it's Christ in me" She's right but Christ is in her the way she is because she wants Him to be. She could say that she didn't want to be used by him the way she is but she doesn't. She radiates such a beauty that makes her admired by many...but Ashley they do not just admire you but Christ in you. All glory goes to Him. I've always loved the thought of being radiant. For years I thought that I couldnt be because I'm chubby, because I have a brain disorder, because I come across grumpier than I really am. But I realize that the only thing that keeps me from being radiant is ME. I have decided to not stop myself from being Radiant anymore. I challenge all of you to join me in my quest to live a radiant life. To shine with the beauty that I've always had. You can too, in fact we can do it together. Beauty is natural, glowing is often natural, RADIANCE is natural. I've decided to add this to the blog. I love natural beauty products. Recently I was mixing some things together and accidently mixed this AMAZING face paste. I took grape seed oil, some warming oil that smelled like a beach, and then flower petals of my favorite flower crazy daises. I managed toget some great oils out of the flowers and mixed the petals in with the oils...then put it on my face. I rubbed it in and the next thing I knew my face was soft and I brought out a natural glow I didn't even realize my face had! Try it sometime, or something like it! I'm telling you all of these because realizing our radiance is a big step to finding out that we are beautiful the way we are. So until next time Radiate like the sun <3

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Beautiful the Way You Are Challenge

Do you struggle with self image? You don't think you are beautiful? Someone once told you that you had something wrong with you and after a time you've started to believe them? Me too. I'm an average girl. When I was younger I was skinny but thought I was fat...then the most horrible thing happened I actually started gaining weight. I was depressed and eating like crazy. I was a happy girl when I was younger then Middle school happened. Girls kept trying to change me. I was a girl that hated make up, I didn't spend much time on my hair I was just me. Then suddenly from every direction I was told I was fat, I needed makeup and my hair was stringy. Nothing about me was good enough. Then I really did start to get chubby. My self image went from high to low in a matter of weeks. Now at 26 years old I still sometimes struggle with it, for crying outloud I'm a girl living in the 21st century where everywhere I turn is an example of perfection and that example is nothing like me. Most days I'm fine. I'm chubby, but happy, I wear the minimum of makeup and I still do very little to my hair. Still I have to remember that I'm beautiful the way I am. I remember some of my dorm-mates in college used to write on their mirrors with the window safe markers positive messages to themselves and anyone that used their mirrors. "I am Beautiful" "I am Strong" "I am one of a kind" "I love me" what excellent reminders! Lately I've been on a journey of self discovery. I'm finding different ways to discover that I'm Beautiful the Way I am" Each day I figure something new out, something that makes me, beautiful me. This challenge is for anyone that reads this blog. PLEASE join me on this journey. My friend Labanya and I as well as some others are going through this challenge and I will post on here the things that I've discovered. I encourage you to do the same. Comment on here. I don't know how long this challenge will be but I know the things we discover will be amazing. The first thing I've realized about myself is my smile. Happiness makes a girl beautiful. Life situations shouldn't control our happiness though. I've found myself smiling no matter how much it may hurt. Whats your first thing that makes you Beautiful the way you are? It can be anything. The coming days/weeks I'll talk about different natural beauty techniques, people, things I enjoy, and a lot of different areas of my life that show me that I'm beautiful the way I am. I encourage each of you to join me and would be so happy to do this journey with you. Think of this challenge as an accountability exercise. We're...all in this together ;) Check these out: Until Next you :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

More Beautiful You Lessons 9-12

Alright tonight is the final post on More Beautiful You. I have a couple more posts planned for the future! I look forward to sharing with you all the things that I am learning! Lesson 9: Accepting God's Love Lesson 10: The Beauty of Redemption Lesson 11: The Beauty of Restoration Lesson 12: Becoming A Model Lesson 9: What is love? Love is one of God's defining characteristics. "Everything God says and everything He does is an expression of love." Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 List all the facets of true love that are described in these verses. Beside each one write a choice that must be made in order for this facet of love to shine. How is true love different from the type of love most teenagers experience or expect? true love puts the needs of another person above it's own desires. It seeks the best for the regardless of the difficulty or inconvenience that might result. "We must never mistake lust for love. It will only rob us of God's best for our lives." Think about true love and list 10 character qualities that you desire for the man you will someday marry, things that you wont settle for lest about. memorize Ephesians 3:17-19 In your own words, what was Paul praying for the people who lived in Ephesus? List the key words that stand out to you in this prayer. what is important about each of these words? What does Paul mean when he says Christ's love "surpasses knowledge"? Ask God to help you begin to discover how big His loev is for you. Ask Him to help you seek only the 1st Corinthians love. Lesson 10: "As long as we strive to achieve external standards of beauty, we will remain frustrated and disappointed." scripture passages for this lesson: John 3:16, Matthew 5:48, Romans 3:23, Isaiah 59:2, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 3:16 (again), Romans 8:38-39 "True beauty can only come from a relationship with God." What things are you using to try to fill the hole in your heart right now? How are most of your friends trying to fill the holes in their lives? Memorize John 15;13 what are three things this verse tells you about Jesus' lvoe for you? Have you ever made the decision to accept Jesus' sacrifice on the cross? if not talk to God about it and if you have thank God for everything Ask Him to let others see that beauty shining through your life. Lesson 11: "The Bible is filled with examples of God rescuing people and giving them fresh starts." Psalm 51 According to the introduction written prior to verse 1 Who wrote this psalm? When did he write it? What does David admit to God What does David ask God to do? Based on this Psalm, what are some things we should do when we know there is sin in our lives? Read Psalm 103:1-5 and list six benefits that accompany God's forgiveness. Are there things in your life that are keeping you from enjoying a relationship with God? If so, list them (very privately if you want to). Share them with God, and ask Him to forgive you, cleanse you, and help you live an uncluttered, care free life. Tell god about any unmet desires you have and ask Him to satisfy those desires with "good" things. (Psalm 103:5) What is one way you wish you could see life through the eyes of a little girl again? Memorize Isaiah 43:18-19 Talk to God: Ask Him to clean the dirty things and fix the broken things from your past. Ask Him to help you forget the hurtful things and allow Him to do amazing new things in and through you. Ask Him to help you live life with the carefree joy of a little girl. Lesson 12: "Crowns of love and compassion set us apart and make us beautiful." Read Matthew 5:14-16 What metaphor does Jesus use to explain the type of models we are supposed to be? List at least four distinguishing facts about light that are evident from these verses. According to verse 16: What should people see when they look at us? (Describe some of the good deeds that should make us stand out.) What should people do when they see us? Evaluate your image: There is a Zulu tribe in South Africa where the members greet each other with a phrase that means, "I see you." Isn't that great? Do you really "see" the other people your life comes in contact with? or are you too busy wondering how they see you? What have you done recently to provide light in a dark place? God has given us crowns of love and compassion. Are you wearing yours? If not, what kinds of crowns distinguish your life? Memorize 1 John 4:11 How does this verse impact your life? Talk to God: Ask Him to help you focus on others and their needs more than you focus on yourself and your needs. Ask Him to show you someone specific He wants you to share His love with this week and how He would like you to do it. Ask Him to help you become one of His next top models of true beauty. Wow I enjoyed diving into this study and hope you enjoyed it as well! I look forward to the next few posts! Thanks so much Coming up: A post about some of my most recent "Natural Beauty discoveries." Also a "Beautiful the Way You Are Challenge" That I hope you will join me in! Until next time!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

More Beautiful You Lessons 5-8

The next few Lessons go hand in hand so for that reason, and the fact that I know few people are reading this I have decided to group them together. Lesson 5: God's Perfect Plan Lesson 6: Our Longing to be Noticed Lesson 7: Our Longing to be Loved Lesson 8: Our Longing for a Perfect body Lesson 5: Read starting at Acts 3:2 about the man at the gate called Beautiful. What do you view is going on? Can you find your purpose, once we realize our true beauty our purpose is easier to find. Read Galatians 1:10: In what ways do you try to "please men?" How would things be different if you chose to be a servant of Christ? What is one specific thing you can (and will) do this week to serve someone other than yourself? Memorize Luke 6:38 What does God promise you in this verse, does this have anything to do with beauty? Ask God to show you how you can fulfill His purpose for your life this week. Lesson 6: We're human we have a need to be noticed. So often times we become what we think others want us to become. But God wants us to be who we are and no one else. Read 1 Samuel 17:1-50 Why was the israelite army so fearful and list 3 ways david fell short of the standards necessary to defeat Goliath How had god prepared David for this event? What do you think would have happened if David had accepted the equipment that King saul offered him? Read Psalm 20:7 When it came to battle, what did most people trust in? What did God want them to trust in? What does that mean practically speaking? When it comes to beauty. what do people trust in? What does God want us to trust in/ What does that mean- practically speaking? Memorize Zephaniah 3:17 List five things that are mentioned in this verse that God wants to do for you? How does God want you to apply this verse to your life right now? Ask God to show you the false things you've been relying on to receive popularity Lesson 7: Society wants us to think that their version of beauty will lead us to being and feeling loved. Ephesians 5:3 How does this verse apply to the methods many teenage girls use to attract teenage guys? 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 How should a Christian teenager look and act differently than one who does not have a relationship with God? 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 If you applied these verses to your life every time you changed your clothes, how would it affect your clothing choices? What clothes do and don't glorify God in your closet and which ones bring glory to yourself? List your five greatest fears when it comes to life, love and looks? Memorize Psalm 34: 4-5 Talk to God and tell him about your fears. Ask him to fill you with his peace Lesson 8: Outward appearance it's nice to be healthy and look it but beyond 1st Corinthians 3:16-17 What does it mean to defile or destroy the temple of God? What are some ways we do this in our culture? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Why are we not our own? How were we "bought at a price?" What are some way we can honor or bring glory to God with our bodies? "Most destructive behaviors are rooted in arrogance. and arrogance is sin." Consider this: God wants you to bring Him glory. How does it make you feel to realize God wants you to bring Him glory? does it bother or excite you? why? What is one way you think He wants you to bring Him glory right now? Memorize Deuteronomy: 7:7-8 This verse was written to the Israelites but how does it apply to you? Tell God your biggest struggle and ask him to help you. Ask him to use it to bring him Glory and joy and peace to you Until Next time...Stay Beautiful ;)