
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

T time! -TACKLE

Okay I know there are only 5 letters to LLLTD But we're almost done! T is for Tackle (Tackle your problems.

We chose tackle because thats really what we do in life, we tackle our problems sometimes one by one and other times all at once.

Definition of Tackle is: undertake: accept as a challenge; "I'll tackle this difficult task" a sports definition goes further in the explanation of this word: seize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball.

What does all of that have to do with Life? In life we are met with obstacles (I know and here we were all thinking that life comes easy...just kidding) We have the choice to be beaten by the obstacle, or to take it down! Obstacles are challenges, whether it be a decision in a job, or in what college you will attend, maybe it's even deciding what clothes you are going to wear today. Or maybe you obstacle is something huge. Perhaps you are deciding whether or not to cheat on a test, maybe you are a primary care-giver (many young people are given that task today due to the health of their parents), maybe you have to decided whether or not to pull the plug as family member lay dying in a hospital. Maybe your decision is whether or not to stand up to a family member who keeps bringing you down. The possibilities to obstacles are endless. Think of some of your own and all the decisions you have to make.

To tackle means to look at those obstacles, and take them down! Don't them rule you over or take you down but TACKLE them. Think over a sport, when the opposing team is keeping you from the ball is your first instinct to run scared or to tackle them? Well if you run scared you will have regrets, but if you tackle them you could win!

Heres another life experience example from me: When I was 15 years old my father was dying of Leukemia. My mother had broken her arm (in half) so she couldn't take care of my dad or of me. So at age 15, the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school I became the adult. I cared for both of my parents, but also had to take care of myself because I didnt want to get sick. (I was taking care of a dying man whose immune system was crap, if I got sick from lack of rest he would have gotten sick as well) So I did everything I could. I would wake up, take care of dad, fix food and care for mom, run to the store down the road for something (this was my time to myself as well as an errand), then I'd come back, care for dad, care for mom, make dinner, get dad ready for bed, help mom do something around the house, and go to sleep (My bed time was around 9:30 or 10.) But this left no time for house cleaning. Our house was becoming a mess but it's not something I could help. I was 15 and taking care of my sick parents! A Typical day with my dad was: Wake up, make sure he was alright, empty out his pee bottles, clean them, return them to his bedside, If he had to do something else in the bathroom I would have to literally pick him up out of bed and take him to the bathroom, then wait til he was done and pick him up off the toilet. (My father was 275 pounds and 6'5" to my 135 5'4" body type) Then I would have to check his platelets and rub his feet. Most days I would have to change his sheets and do laundry, it was a full time job (I'm not complaining I dont regret a day that I helped my father those are moments that I'll cherish. I'm just simply telling you this so you know what I experienced.) Well as tiem went on the house became a mess. And long story short my family got a visit from my fathers sister. When she saw the house she was appalled. We tried to tell her that I was doing what I could to keep everything together but she wouldnt listen. She threatened to call social services and have me taken from my parents. (Bare in mind I'm all they had to help them at this point) So I made a decision that I would not let her (the obstacle) beat us. So for 4 days straight I went without sleep. I cleaned the entire house, and it was shining and spotless, and I was still able to care for my parents (day time was them, night time was cleaning) I mean I didn't stop for 4 days, she came back to check on the house and dropped her threat. Although she didnt get to talk to me at all while she was here, I slept the whole time. :)

I said all that to say that with a positive attitude and (determination...which we will talk about next) you can tackle the issues in life. Just get at them and beat those little suckers with a stick. (In my case my weapon of choice is a rubber chicken because it's funnier and more random that way)

So to bring it all together: If you live your life, love everyone, laugh at situations, then you can tackle your problems and you've got 5 ladies cheering you on the whole time! :)

Until determination, you beat those problems with a rubber chicken okay?! ;)

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